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The Fire Within The Night (Night Aberrations - Book Two) Page 16

  My curiosity was piqued. “A game?”

  “Hide and seek, to be exact. Nils said that you declined to play earlier, but I think that you will enjoy it, if you play by my rules.

  “What are the rules?”

  “There are but two. Rule number one—no clothing allowed.” He lifted my shirt over my head and tossed it to the floor. “Rule number two—you will hide from me.” His hands grazed the hardening peaks of my breasts, coaxing a moan from my lips. “Then, I will find you.”

  I shuddered against his warm chest. “What if you can’t find me?”

  He slid his hand between my legs. "Rest assured, I will."

  "Hey!" I whined when the hand disappeared.

  His laughter came from my mind. “Hide. I will count to fifty.”

  “Jakob, you tease!” Screw the game, I just wanted him.

  “Fifty, forty-nine ... you are not hiding, älskling.”

  “Yeah, because I'm not six years old.”

  With a chuckle, he materialized behind me and kissed the nape of my neck, and then had the audacity to swat me on the ass and say, "I said, hide."

  "Fine," I said, through gritted teeth.

  "Twenty-nine, twenty-eight," he called after me

  "Damn you, Jakob Väsen!" I took off running down the corridor, turning down the first hallway I came to, hoping it held a good place to hide. One look down the hall told me I’d made the right decision. There was at least twenty doors on either side. The likelihood of him finding me on the first try would be slim. I could find a better hiding place while he searched. I just had to be quiet.

  “Thirteen, twelve, eleven ...”

  Shit! I had to pick fast. Heart pounding, I jerked open the sixth door on the left and threw myself in, while trying to close the door without making a sound. Okay. Now, where to hide? There was moonlight to see by, but with my terrible night vision, I couldn’t make out anything, except the shape of a giant chifferobe, a bed, and behind me, a closet. Great choices, if you want to be found right away.

  “Ready or not, here I come.”

  There was no time. Closet, it was. I turned the knob, trying not to make a sound. The door popped open with a loud creak, and I froze, listening for footsteps. I breathed a shaky sigh of relief when I didn't hear anything. Tip-toeing into the closet, I closed the door before I realized what was behind me. It was amazing. It was a room of clear glass—ceiling and all. The moon was luminous, shining through the glass, touching everything with an eerie, magical glow. A spiral staircase twirled up toward the sky, where an open air room was perched in the center. Drawn toward the stairs, I started to wind my way up, wincing when the staircase shifted with my weight. What I found at the top surprised me. Books, of all types, were lined on circular shelves surrounding a chaise filled with beaded and tasseled pillows. This was someone's reading nook. And someone had the most luxurious, decadent reading nook ever!

  “Did you know that your magic is so potent that it’s calling to me? You could never hide from me,” Jakob said, showing me that he was in the hallway I’d chosen. “I know I’m close. What could be behind door number two, I wonder.”

  Smirking at his cockiness, I sat on the chaise. “Keep guessing, Mr. Väsen.”

  “Mister, is it? Can your ‘mister’ get a hint?”

  “No hints. You’re on your own.”

  “Have I mentioned that you are an evil, evil female? I think I shall have you punished for your insubordinate behavior.”

  I giggled. “You’ve mentioned it a few times.”

  “Door number three it is.”

  “You’re getting warmer.”

  “You have no idea,” he said, in a way that made me shiver with anticipation.

  “That’s quite the way with words you have there, Jakob.”

  “You should see what else I can do with my mouth.”

  My mouth dropped open. By now, I should be used to him surprising me with the dirty things he says. That kind of thing tends to happen when you’re mated to a certified sex god.

  “No witty comeback? I’m surprised, Erin.”

  I didn’t say anything. My mind had gone blank with just a few words from him.

  “Little elf?”

  “Jakob?” I asked.

  “When I find you, I’m going to eat you up.”

  Whoa. Would I even be able to survive this mating?

  “Are you sure you have no hints for your mate, älskling?”

  Again, I didn’t answer. He was here, in the outer room. And he was toying with me. Holding my breath, I eased down into a lying position on the chaise and arranged the heavy velvet pillows in front of me until I was covered. There was no way he would see me unless he frequented this space and knew how they’d been left.

  “I can sense you. Come out, come out, wherever you are.”

  My heart palpitated. He was too close. I could almost pick up on the intoxicating scent of his skin. Or, was that his influence? That cheating bastard! He knew that I couldn’t call him on it. I’d give my location away. Well, two could play that game. Sucking in long, slow breaths, I closed my eyes and sent out my own influence on every exhale. Jakob groaned below me. No wonder I could smell him. He was in the room!

  “Erin, you set me on fire.”

  The stairs shifted, and I forgot to breathe. The silence was deafening as I listened for movement. For a few agonizing heartbeats there was nothing, then the pillows were yanked away and thrown unceremoniously to the floor down below. Jakob, looking wild, jerked me to my feet by my hands. “I win,” he said, growling, before clamping his mouth to mine.

  I took the hardness brushing my navel in my hands and stroked him. “Only because you cheat.” Kissing my way down his stomach, I winked at him as I ran the flat of my tongue up his shaft.

  Steadying himself, he gripped the bannister until it groaned, and then in one lightning fast moment, released it to capture me in his grip and toss me onto the chaise.

  "Hey!" I squealed, surprised by his urgency. "Wha—"

  He didn't let me finish, muffling my response with a finger on my lips. I peered up to him with my eyes wide.

  "Are you frightened of me?”

  "A little," I admitted.

  A demonic smile crossed his lips, causing me to have an inescapable urge to push myself away from him.

  "Going somewhere?" he asked, kneeling on the edge of the chaise to wrap his long fingers around my ankle. He tugged me closer. “You are mine.”

  I tried to answer him, but my tongue-tied voice couldn’t seem to utter even a single syllable. I was frozen in both fear and lust. Prowling up the short distance, he covered my body with his own, dragging his mouth over every surface along the way. “Please,” I panted, arching into him.

  Drawing the pads of his fingers down the side of my breast, he asked, “Is there something you want, älskling?”

  “Yes,” I breathed, so hungry for him.

  “There is something I would like, as well.”

  “Anything, Jakob.”

  Pressing his lips to mine, he kissed me, then said, “My turn to hide! Count to fifty!”

  Before I realized what he was doing, he was down the stairs and the door was slamming behind him. “Jakob, hand to God, if I find out this is a trick to make me practice finding you with my magic, I will make you suffer!”

  “Not if you cannot find me.”

  Yep. I was about to do bodily harm to my mate. Not what I expected for our honeymoon period, but hey, he wasn’t what I expected in a husband.

  “Forty one, forty, thirty-nine. Ready or not. I’m kicking your ass.”

  I woke alone in bed, pleasantly sore in all the right places. This morning had been … I didn’t know what words could describe how it had been, or the things we did together. It was almost as if it was an amazing dream. But dreams don’t leave tingling, healing bites on your neck and thighs.

  Stretching out in the pillows, I looked over to find the t-shirt I’d been sleeping in folded next to me. Thoughtful
. I breathed in the unmistakable scent that was ingrained in the shirt. What wasn’t perfect about him?

  A sharp rap at the door brought me back to reality. “Who is it?” I asked, yawning and stumbling to my feet to pull the shirt on.

  Axel’s voice sounded from the other side. “Chase is in the kitchen for you.”

  “Thanks,” I called.

  “Of course, princess.”

  Princess. That was going to take some getting used to. Hurrying to dress the rest of me, I ran down the hallway to find Chase looking a nervous wreck and staring at my mate over the breakfast table.

  I looked at her with question. Nervous wasn’t in her nature. “What’s up?”

  She didn’t react at all. She didn’t even look up, just answered, “I invited someone.”

  “Here?” I asked. “Who?”

  Her reply was interrupted by the entire kitchen wall of the castle being ripped away. I threw my hands over my ears and screamed just as a handsome blond male was revealed. A second later, Jakob channeled his inner linebacker and tackled me. We landed on our hands and knees in the tall grass of the hill overlooking the castle. The first thing I noticed was that the kitchen was engulfed in fire. Smoke was billowing from where we just stood.

  “Call to your brother,” Jakob said, not taking his eyes off the courtyard. “We need a head count.”

  I tore my stare away from the smoking wreckage and screamed for my brother. “Soren! The castle has been attacked! Chase is an imposter.”

  “Where is my mate?” His voice was frantic.

  Oh God, Emelie. “I don’t know. I haven’t seen her tonight.”

  There was a moment of silence.

  “I cannot reach her. Are you safe? Where are you?”

  “I’m with Jakob on the hill that overlooks the courtyard.”

  “Stay there. I will join you as soon as I find my mate.”


  Bursting into tears, I said, “Soren is coming. He can’t reach Emelie.”

  Jakob pulled me into his arms. “Freyr and Viveka have gone. All is well, my love. The staff and soldiers have been evacuated, and Viggo and Axel will arrive to await instructions in a moment. No one was injured.” He used the pads of his thumbs to wipe the tears from my cheeks. “Do not cry, älskling. Emelie will be found.”

  I nodded and leaned against his chest, breathing in his unique scent to help calm my jangled nerves. I felt so safe in his arms. He would die before he let my mother touch me. “Where have the soldiers gone? Don’t we need them to protect the castle? And where are Loki and Nils?”

  “The guards are on the outskirts of the kingdom, looking out for more unwanted arrivals. Fenrir and his father have gone in search of an audience with Surtr.”

  “Who’s Surtr again? I can’t remember.”

  “Surtr is a Jötunn. Humans would call him a giant. He resides on Múspellsheim and is a master of the flame. He will teach you to scry using your fire, if it is possible.”

  “He can teach me to see visions with my fire?”

  “I hope so. We need to find Odin’s temple. This tyranny must be stopped.” He smoothed back my tousled hair. “I am sorry for manhandling you. I thought I would lose you if I did not move fast.”

  I melted into the safety of his embrace. “Jakob, feel free to manhandle me anytime. Thank you.”

  He kissed me with such tender emotion that it brought fresh tears to my eyes. “I could not bear to part with you, Erin.”

  Viggo’s snicker sounded behind us. “The castle is burning to the ground and you two are out here making out?”

  “Careful Viggo, your jealousy is showing!” A familiar, pissed off voice said.

  I hurried off the ground and bowed to Queen Layla. “Your majesty, have you spoken to Chase today? My mother—”

  “Yes, child. Viggo has told me the situation, which is why I have come. Chase did not report to me last night. I thought that it was because of her re-acquaintance with that tasty Fenrir Wolf, but he informs me that she went home to Midgard alone.” She turned to a newly arrived Soren. “What will be done to find my daughter? She has not answered my summons.”

  Soren bent to kiss me on the forehead. “Emelie is safe with Myrgjöl.”

  “Good.” I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

  “Soren!” Layla demanded. “My daughter?”

  “Erin will go to Surtr. We will find her.”

  Walking to me, she laid hands radiating heat on my shoulders. “I’ve given you the greatest gift of Faery. Just think of us and you will find yourself in Älvornas Rike. I want to know the moment you see her. Promise me that you’ll come to me if you are ever in need of my assistance.”

  “Of course, Layla. Thank you for your generosity.”

  “You are most welcome. Good luck.” With a disparaging glance at Soren and Viggo, she disappeared in a rainbow colored burst of sparkles.

  “How nice of the queen. You are fortunate to have received such a gift, Erin,” Viggo said, with sarcasm dripping from his voice.

  A rustling of the grass below the hill alerted us to Nils striding toward us. “It’s been my experience that Layla can be very nice,” he contradicted, his slight smile indicating that she had left a lasting impression on him. “If you know what I mean.”

  “A gentle-male never tells about those experiences,” Viggo chided, not quite hiding his cringe at the thought of the two of them together.

  Nils’s eyes crinkled at the corners with merriment. “Is that right? What would you know of it?”

  I jumped a little as an irate, disembodied voice scolded the bickering pair. “I can see you two were really worried about me! Sheesh!” Emelie materialized in between Soren and me.

  “Em, this is my worried face,” Nils said, thumbing in the direction behind him. “What’s the word on the castle?”

  “Everyone is safe,” Soren answered. “The damage can be repaired.” He appeared annoyed by their banter. “How did the meeting with Surtr go?”

  “He is anxious to meet her.”

  “Excellent. We leave now.”


  In the end, no one volunteered to go to Surtr’s world, except for my brother and Jakob. Apparently, Surtr’s temper was as hot and unpredictable as the flames he commanded. With just a second’s glance at Múspellsheim, I couldn’t blame him for feeling surly. It was Hell. Like, literally. The landscape was a rock-strewn stretch of barren wasteland. Steam sizzled out of cracks in the red-tinged, blistering hot sand every few feet. What kind of creature could survive in this desolate, miserable place?

  I soon found out. A seven-foot-tall male with a long fiery red beard, burning green eyes, and a huge sword strapped to his back stood in a large slate courtyard outside a massive stone castle. His elongated arms were held out wide in welcome. Despite the genuine smile he wore, I knew right away that Surtr would be every bit the mighty warrior books portrayed him to be. He was built to destroy anything in his path

  “Ah,” he bellowed. “Here is the son of Odin, how far you have traveled to see me!” His voice was deep and forceful.

  Soren dipped into his unusual bow, and Surtr mimicked the motion. “Hello, Surtr. It has been many years. How does your part of the realm fare?”

  Ignoring Soren’s question, he peeked around my brother and grinned at me. “You have brought a dark …” His forehead furrowed as his words drifted off. “Is this lovely female a sister to you, Soren?”

  I leaned to the right and waved my fingers at him with my brother’s protective shoulder between us.

  “Yes. Forgive my rudeness, Surtr. It has been an arduous day, and I thought Fenrir would have mentioned our relationship on his visit.” He gestured to Jakob. “I believe you already are in the acquaintance of the dark elf prince?”

  Surtr eyed Jakob, who was standing silent, a half-smile gracing his handsome face. “I have heard the news of your mate’s deeds. It is disgraceful, the path she has chosen. Have you requested an audience with the council for an

  “I have broken the bonding without the council’s consent. They no longer govern my actions.”

  The male nodded with a sage expression. “I understand your choice, Prince Jakob. I have an even greater dislike for the council, than I do for the elven female you mated—though it is a close thing.”

  “I’m pretty sure that is something we all have in common,” I said, smiling at his hatred of my mother and my father’s corrupt government.

  Surtr’s laugh boomed throughout the isolated valley. “She speaks!”

  Soren chuckled at his excitement. “That, she does. Allow me to introduce my sister and granddaughter to Queen Alva, Princess Erin Väsen of Midgard.”

  I started at the name Soren gave me. It was true on two counts, of course, but it was still shocking to hear it spoken out loud, even more so coming out of my stubborn brother’s mouth. I thought for sure that he would call me by my human surname.

  “Well met, Princess.” He glanced at my shuffling feet. “I seem to have misplaced my own manners. Please, come into the coolness of my home and rest from your long journey.”

  I accepted with a small curtsey. “Thank you, Surtr.”

  He waved away my thanks. “It is but a trifle, and it is a pleasure to me, indeed. There are few that take it upon themselves to venture to this part of the Norse-lands, and it is my belief that none have been as beautiful as you are, princess.”

  Blushing, I knew that my eyes would betray my flame. I couldn’t help it if I wanted to. His home seemed designed for invoking fire. With cement walls and floor, and minimal furniture, it wasn’t much to look at, except perhaps, the monumental fire pit in the center of the room. I was drawn to the circular monstrosity as soon as we entered. Running my fingers down the unusual blood-red stones that decorated the outside surface, I beamed. “This is magnificent, Surtr.”

  “Thank you, young one. I cannot tell you how splendid it is to meet with another who is one with the flame, though I am surprised your protectors have brought you here. It is dangerous. You are a priceless treasure that many will covet once your power is known.”